Conservation, physiology and ecology of big fish
I am currently working on:
Basking shark physiology, ecology and biology using histology and state-of-the-art biologging techniques
The response of Atlantic bluefin tuna to catch and release fishing using accelerometer data
Distribution and migration patterns of the sixgill shark in Irish waters
HR Dolton, AJ Jackson, A Drumm, L Harding, N Ó Maoiléidigh, H Maxwell, R O’Neill, JDR Houghton, NL Payne (2022) Short-term behavioural responses of Atlantic bluefin tuna to catch-and-release fishing, Conservation Physiology, 10 (1)
L Harding, A Gallagher, A Jackson, J Bortoluzzi, HR Dolton, B Shea, L Harman, D Edwards, NL Payne (2022) Capture heats up sharks. Conservation Physiology, 10 (1),
HR Dolton, FR Gell, J Hall, G Hall, LA Hawkes, MJ Witt (2019) Assessing the importance of Isle of Man waters for the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus. Endangered Species Research 41, 209-223,
JL Rudd, T Bartolomeu, HR Dolton, OM Exeter, C Kerry, LA Hawkes, SM Henderson, M Shirley, MJ Witt (2021) Basking shark sub-surface behaviour revealed by animal-towed cameras. PloS one 16 (7), e0253388